Have you ever noticed that Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos de São Paulo (CPTM) has changed its way of communicating with passengers and that they have a new song, two new sound logos, and a new voice? Which sounds simpler and sounds like an authentic person that gives the messages in a light, calm and safe way. We are proud to say that CPTM is another successful project of Sound Branding developed by the Zanna agency for means of transport.

Zanna talks about CPTM


"We had been observing the sonic experiences created for other modes of transportation by Zanna Sound and were eager to have our own, but we thought it wouldn't be feasible. We went ahead, and Sound Branding was highly noticed by passengers, transforming our experience positively."

Marcia Lage

CPTM Station Manager

We create a different, more affective, and touching sound experience filled with music. We made the soundtracks that play in the stations, the operational sound logo (anticipates the messages of the next station), and the educational sound logo (announces the educational and safety messages).

With the intention of guiding with calmness, sympathy, and high spirits, we promoted a subtle revolution but of great impact on the messages heard by daily users. These are sounds that reach the ears of almost 2 million people who travel for about 65 thousand kilometers, a distance equivalent to 1 turn and 1/2 on Earth per day!


Musical theme and sound logo

The plurality of the CPTM brand brings in its DNA the need to unite several tribes and at the same time create a light environment. The proposition is that background music must necessarily calm and reduce the stress of people who are traveling. For this, we composed a POP musical track, a little jazzy, but with street elements such as the beatbox (with percussive sounds produced orally by master Carrão). Guitar, whistle, and voices take up the melodies, with textures that bring lightness, affection, and delicacy, on top of a happy rhythmic environment, pumped up but not tense. Two sound logos were extracted from the song: one with guitar sounds to warn the next station and another to give tips on safety and coexistence.


The Brand's Voice

The brand’s voice is feminine and cool, but at the same time conveys firmness and security. The accent used is from the city, but not too thick. In the casting process, we were looking for someone who could embody the brand’s character. It was then that we found Veronica Villa. She brought together all the qualities to give voice to what we envision for CPTM.

Zanna Sound completes 15 years of existence in 2022 and has all the reasons to celebrate. With CPTM, there are 8 projects in the transportation field that are impacted by our expertise and sound creativity. If we add up all these experiences, more than 10 million people listen to us every day in Brazil and are touched by the messages designed to be direct, gentle, respectful, and affective. We work with the conviction that sound can transform the environment, improve coexistence in collective spaces and even influence heart rate. Therefore, we decided to use it as a conductor of affection, strengthening invisible bonds and spreading beauty and calm to make the world around us increasingly peaceful.


Brand Workshops
Musical theme, Sound logo, and Brand voice
Sound UX
Messages from stations and trains


Junior Moraes
Beat Box
Daniel Lopes
Guilherme Ge
Composition, arrangement, whistling, and vocals
Brand voice
Veronica Villa
Executive producer
Tati Botafogo
Marketing Director
Rodrigo Pontes